Mars, here I come



Elon Musk has plans to build a city on Mars, and he’s been actively building towards that goal for years. He’s selling the idea of living on Mars as a way to save humanity from the worst case scenarios we might face on Earth. And if you think about it, it makes sense. One of the biggest issues we face on Earth is the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, which is slowly heating up the planet and making it harder to live on. The only way we can really deal with this problem is if we find a way to get off this planet, and the best way to do that is by sending astronauts to Mars. It’s true that Mars’s average surface temperature is lower than Earth’s. But the temperature extremes on the planet are far more extreme than the ones on Earth.

The Mars One project is a privately-funded venture that's planning on sending four people to the red planet in 2024. The project is run by the Dutch company, Mars One, which was founded in 2011 by Bas Lansdorp. It’s estimated that if you travelled from Earth to Mars in a straight line, it would take around 7 months to get there. This is obviously too long for anyone to just get on a spaceship and go. The human body has a number of things that it needs to survive on earth, one of those is oxygen. On Mars there’s not enough oxygen in the air to support human life so the astronauts will have to wear a special suit that will provide them with oxygen while they’re on the surface of Mars.

I can see why Elon Musk wants to colonise Mars. We’re quickly running out of space on Earth and if we’re going to sustain our species, we need to find new places to live. Plus, Earth is a dangerous place to live. One of the biggest challenges facing our species is the problem of interstellar travel. Right now, it takes between three and 30 months to get to Mars. Imagine if we could get that down to just a few hours? What would that mean for humanity? What would that mean for our civilization? Once you get to Mars, you are on your own. There is no government or military to protect, you’ll be on your own and will have to build everything yourself. If you want to survive on Mars, you’ll need to build a habitat and a way to generate oxygen and food.

Mars is the most habitable planet in our solar system. Some of our most influential leaders and innovators — including Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Stephen Hawking — believe that we have a moral imperative to expand into space. But not everyone agrees. Elon Musk, the co-founder, CEO, and product architect at Tesla, is planning to send the first humans to Mars by 2024. This is the first time in history that humans will be on their way to Mars. Musk has stated that he is planning to send 100 people to Mars after they complete a year-long training program on Earth. The most prominent reason is that there are no natural disasters on Mars. Earth is a very unstable planet and we are always prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. In addition to this, Mars has an atmosphere which protects the planet from harmful radiation.

The question is not whether we should live in Mars, but when. It’s going to happen, the technology is there and the demand is there from people who want to explore and live on the red planet. Elon Musk is a genius and one of the most fascinating people of our time. Elon Musk is the founder of SpaceX, Tesla and Neuralink. His company SpaceX has already made history by making the world’s first reusable rocket. It was a rocket that sent a car into space on a journey to Mars. The conditions in which we live on Earth are far more challenging than they are on Mars. In fact, if you live in a place like Antarctica, the desert or the rainforest, the harsh conditions that you have to deal with are even more severe than the ones that would exist on Mars.

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